Video | 0:52 run time

How to Recognize Bank Scams Before It’s Too Late


Learn how to spot fraudulent tactics and protect your finances.

Scammers are always searching for ways to take advantage of innocent, unsuspecting people. Have you ever received a suspicious call where someone is urgently asking you to take action to protect your account? It’s a common trick designed to catch you off guard. Here’s how these scams usually unfold—and what your bank will never ask you to do.

What Scammers Will Tell You 

"This is [your bank's name] Fraud Department. There’s suspicious activity on your account."

  • Scammers often impersonate your bank, using official-sounding language to gain your trust. Their goal is to make you feel panicked and unsure, so you won’t stop to verify if the call is legitimate. By creating a sense of urgency, they hope to trick you into making the wrong decision.

"Mail a cashier’s check labeled 'House Renovation' to stop a large withdrawal."

  • This is a common tactic. Fraudsters may request you to transfer funds, mail a check, or share personal information under the guise of protecting your account. But remember, no legitimate bank will ever ask you to move money or make payments to stop fraud.

What to Remember

Scammers rely on fear and confusion to make their schemes work.  If you receive a suspicious call, remain calm, hang up, and contact your bank directly. Staying informed and composed can help you avoid falling victim to fraud.  


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