Infographic | 1:20 min read

Commonly Overlooked Back-to-School Expenses

Life Events

Every parent wants to properly prepare for the school year and provide all necessary materials for their children to perform well in the classroom. From the school supplies to the club dues, expenses add up quickly.

Make sure your family is prepared this year by planning ahead and hitting the stores early.

Stock Up

If the lost-and-found pile at a school is an indicator of how forgetful students can be, you'll want to stock up on extra supplies. Consider doing this during the back-to-school sales for lower prices and a greater selection. Cooler ice packs and washable markers are two commonly overlooked items on the elementary school list. If you have a child entering middle school, be prepared to purchase a planner, gym bag, and locker accessories. Believe it or not, the addition of a locker can be a very exciting time in your child's life.

When the winter months hit, buy a couple extra pairs of gloves and mittens. Everyone is apt to misplace a hat, but be prepared by purchasing extras when at the store. Also remember to properly stock your home with a variety school supplies. Kids will take any excuse, like no printer ink, to not complete their homework.

An infographic outlining commonly overlooked back-to-school expenses

Consider Coupons

Before your annual school supply outing, be sure to check the Sunday newspaper for coupons and ads. Compare the ads for the best deals both in store and online. Many retailers offer exclusive coupons, so be sure to check their website for different deals!

Plan Ahead

As the school year goes progresses, different expenses arise. Before the school year starts, consider writing a list of the possible expenses such as field trips, club dues, extracurricular fees, or holiday parties. Money management with your personal finances will help ensure you have the funds to keep your kids learning and growing.


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